Tuesday, 1 May 2012

You are what you eat

Last night I was reading my daughter a bedtime story called Chocolatina. It is a story about a girl who, unsurprisingly, loves chocolate. She eats chocolate for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and of course in between meal snacks. At school, her most hated subject is Health Class, because her teacher, Mrs Ferdman, is always telling the children to eat healthily because...."You are what you eat". One night, something magical happens, and Chocolatine turns to chocolate!!! When Mrs Ferdman saw her the next day, she makes her wait after class, but not as punishment for not eating healthily as you might think. Instead she reveals that she was hoping this would happento the girl as she LOVES chocolate herself, all the while trying to eat Chocolatina's ear off!!!

So this got me thinking...what if that was true? What if one morning, "you are what you eat" became a reality? After some thought about what I would be, I narrowed it down to 2 possibilties....pepperoni pizza or honey chilli chicken with fried rice and prawn crackers. Difficult to chose between them both, but if I was forced to, I think I would go for pizza. I mean, at the very least I would still be able to roll down the road and into work. What I would do when I got there is anyones guess. Of course I might lose the odd piece of pepperoni along the way, but sacrafices are only to be expected. And at least that little piece of delicious meaty goodness could become a meal for some poor starving animal. And call me crazy, but the thought of slipping down the road into work with 10,000 grains of fried rice marching behind me followed by a handful of prawn crackers just sounds very silly. Right?

p.s. for those who are concerned about poor Chocolatina, don't worry, she did not get eaten and woke up the next day a normal girl again.


  1. I would be a chicken breast in cream and mushroom sauce and leave a very visible trace behind me as I walked for any possible follower...wait wait there was a tale like that wasnt there?...Although I suppose bread crumbs might be more appealing to the birds rather than mushrooms :D

  2. hehehe, like a snail leaves a trail behind him :P Nice one :))
